[Real Diary] Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

6:22:00 PM

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

Hello ^^
I decided to get Korean eye plastic surgery and Korean rhinoplasty and this is my reason!
First, my double eyelids are towards the outer corner of my eyes T T People told me I have sleepy looking eyes and that they look swollen T T Decisions, decisions.. I decided to get eyelid surgery! Then I got greedy and thought why not just do my nose instead of getting fillers?!
So yes, I decided to get a nose job hehe The effects of fillers are pretty limited and they don’t last long either! 
I was researching online for a while when I stumbled upon Wonjin Plastic Surgery! It’s hella scary but I can’t wait to look at myself after everything is over~

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

It’s already been 7 days since my nose surgery!!! The big swelling has gone down and only the small swelling is left T T At the hospital, they sanitized the area and removed the cast!!! I was excited and ran to the hospital, but there was still some swelling left so they can’t remove the tape for about a week T T.. 
But it’s such a relief they didn’t give me that swelling injection!! When they took off the stitches behind my ear and the ring in my nose, I could breathe comfortably again! If the swelling goes down, I’ll finally have a pretty nose!!! keke
Swelling, go away!!

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

I see my face changing every day and it makes me happy hehehe 
Putting on make-up is possible from the second week, so I started going out with my friends and doing my hair as well. My nose was a bit bulbous but after about a month it became sharp and like the nose I had wanted! At first, I was concerned that my nose was a bit too high, but a lot of people that I knew kept asking where I got it done. 
The really neat part is, my eyes make me look like a whole different person now! People don’t tell me I look tired and sad anymore! My eyes that were sagging now look very attractive, and my friends around me ask if I had epilateral canthoplasty even though I didn’t haha. 

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

짱이뻐! - Escaping From Sleepy Eyes With Korean Eye Plastic Surgery

I didn’t think the swelling would go away, but now it’s so natural that they just look like my eyes and nose! My nose is still a tiny bit swollen, but it’s not apparent so that’s a relief. 
After getting my eyes and nose done, I’m receiving lots of call from agencies and entertainment companies. I even tried out a magazine photo shoot! My face changes and good things are starting to happen.

It’s been two months since I got surgery! It’s just so surreal and hard for me to believe that my eyes and nose have changed! My nose was hard at first but it’s become ‘my nose’ and my eyes look very natural. I’m hearing that I became handsome from left and right, it just makes me feel delighted. I am about to go to college now, and I think that I will definitely make a good first impression on my new friends. I tell people that I got my eyes and nose done for 6 million KRW at Wonjin Plastic Surgery when they ask hehehe Lee Jinho, head of advertising haha

From here on, I will try to be in more shows and work for my future!

Name: Lee Jinho
Age: 25
Surgery: Eye Surgery, Rhinoplasty

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